The Wicked Witch.

Since I was up relatively early this morning (something which I really am going to have to get better at if I get a job!), I opted to head out for a walk. Grey and overcast, but lots of strong gusty winds so I reckoned I'd head for these trees and see if I could catch them with a bit of movement going on.

Took ages to get there. Partly it was because it's been ages since I went out specifically to take the camera for a walk and partly because I stopped to talk to the owners of a visla/lab cross and a bearded collie/greyhound cross. What a cracking pair of dogs; both young and both very friendly.

Anyway, some two and a half hours later I finally made my way home with far to many photos to process.

Now listening to Demons and Wizards with a cup of tea. One interpretation (not mine - I'm paraphrasing) is that the Wicked witch is a metaphor for nature. We celebrate her in all her beauty but often reject her when she is destructive and cruel. So, in our attempts to control these aspects of her character, we gain some protection but we also lose that which is beautiful about her. Hence.... the Wicked Witch is dead.

Maybe in town... but she was alive and kicking along the old railway line this morning.

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