Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Wobbly Wednesday and another moon

Another trying day, struggling a bit, you get days like that though
A day of wind, sunshine, showers and rainbows.
Its an excellent evening to star gaze (when there is no cloud) no haze at all :-)
The Hunters moon is now past first quarter.
The large crater creeping out of the shadows near the top of the image is called Plato and is 109km in diameter.
Below that is Mare Imbrium, the sea of showers, not an omen of more showery weather
The three craters you can see there Aristillus, then the small one Autolycus (if you can call 39km in diameter small!) then Archimedes
The two mountainous regions to the right of them are Montes Caucasus (named for the Caucasus Mountains on Earth) to the top and the Montes Apenninus (named for the Appennines on Earth) The Hadley Appennine region was the landing site for Apollo 15

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