young musician

three parent-teacher interviews tonight, all girls getting great reports. I wonder at what stage I'll stop finding daisy's spellings of words endearing - when her teacher says 'spelling's not a strong point', all I can think is 'but how cute is it though?' I prefer daisy's spelling of house (haos) and mouse (maos)...I suppose if she's still doing that in p7 then I might change my mind...

after our marathon parents evening we went down to the academy where beth was taking part in the rotary club's young musician of the year competition. there were loads of people there and the competitors ages ranged from 9-17. I was so nervous for beth I felt sick - she was on second and the first boy on the piano was very good. beth was great though - no mistakes and her tuning was right, she didn't really seem that nervous. must get that from her dad...well done betty!

(beth is at the far right)

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