Power to the power of 3

What a weather day! We've had fronts rushing across the sky all day bringing everything but snow (did I speak too soon?!) Luckily Kath and I bumped into each other as I left school for a very soggy bus stop (no bike today!) and she very kindly gave me a lift home. Kath knows all about blipping, having used some of my landscapes as the basis for her paintings in the past, so heading home through the back lanes she spotted the approaching sky over Ogden windfarm about the same time as I did and stopped the car for a quick blip. Months ago I resigned myself to accepting the power lines in this part of my world because they criss-cross the countryside, but today they prompted me to think about the power they carry, the natural power generated by the windfarm and nature's weather power.

Looking out of the window, cosy now at home, the sky is completely grey.

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