Memories of What Once Was

By Emma07

Avoidance Tactics..

How to avoid doing work...

1. Sit in the kitchen so that your work is not staring you in the face.

2. Look at facebook to see if there are any updates you might be interested in, and even if you're not look at them anayway.

3. Send a long e-mail to old work friends letting them know what a great time you're having being back at uni.

4.Look at facebook to see if there are any updates you might be interested in, and even if you're not look at them anayway.

5. Look though Youtube videos to see what would be fun to post on your flatmates page so they also can wast a few minutes of their day!

6. Look at facebook to see if there are any updates you might be interested in, and even if you're not look at them anayway.

7. Look online for very strnage books that you were told about in your sexual offending class and your society talk on fetish - I do forensic psychology so these are for education purposes only, I thought I should clarify!

8. Look at facebook to see if there are any updates you might be interested in, and even if you're not look at them anayway.

9. Update Blip.

10. Look at facebook to see if there are any updates you might be interested in, and even if you're not look at them anayway.

11. Up dating Blip means that you will just have to make sure you've got all your pictures in the right folders/place on your computer.

12. Look at facebook to see if there are any updates you might be interested in, and even if you're not look at them anayway.

13. Realise you don't have a pictre for today so you take one, of the kitchen of course becuase moving is not an option, and put it on blip.

14. Waste time detailing how you have managed to waste time this evening


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