The Daily Bun

By pennybun

Wet, wet, wet!

The weather changed every 5 minutes here today. I finally got round to going out mid afternoon and had a bit of a wander round town. There was a continental market on, and I thought there might be some colourful shots to be had, but it was not very inspiring.I treated myself to a mojito and a nice meal in a tapas bar before the local RSPB meeting, and when I came out at 7, it was dark of course, and although the rain had eased, it felt suddenly as if we'd sprung from Summer to Winter in a matter of days. Don't get me wrong, I probably like winter better than most.
I noticed as well, more than a few references to Christmas today. Now that IS depressing! Why can't people enjoy the here and now instead of hyping up a couple of days towards the end of December, which, let's face it, even people who actually like Christmas, don't need a 3 month build-up to!
Have to mention Steve Jobs as I type this on my beautiful iMac. What a legacy! Someone retweeted this link today. Steve was one of these people!

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