
Long day - woke up about 6:45am for Jeff to leave, then got up shortly after. Spent the morning tidying my room, removing an ethernet cable and reading journals. Then up to the uni for 2hrs of GIS (Geographical Information System), followed by another 2hrs of RS (Remote Sensing) - same lecturer. Wasn't planning on going to the 2nd set of lectures, but met one of my friends who was going while I was in the geography tower, and it sounded interesting so I went along! Sat down and unexpectedly met my friend and Aber octopush captain Amy (a biologist) who's also doing that module.

Still haven't decided on my modules - we can only pick two this semester... and I want to do about 4/5 :o

Might do as I did last year and be a nerd :) going along to modules I'm not registered for :P

Anyway, did the GIS work and then came home (it was freezing and windy!). Saw this sunset on the way down the hill and ran home, grabbed the camera and ran back up the hill again - that's commitment for you!! :D

Helped the girls in the house dye their hair - they've all gone different colours!! Call me boring, but I don't think I'd dye my hair... ! :o

Anyway, bedtime now :) Sleep well everyone :) x Couple more shots here.

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