Click goes the Shutter

By RomaWhaup


It's been a long day and quite a journey - time travelling in a way.

Firstly, last night it was great to see the ex-colleague who now lives in Perth, Australia while she was visiting the UK. Everyone there was really lovely to be with. One of her friends who is Australian, but has now settled in Edinburgh, knew an Australian friend of ours - such a small world.

Today, I travelled to London on the east coast train line which brought back memories of the journey between home and university all those years ago.

A schoolfriend met me at Kings X and we went through the revamped St Pancras station where we met this couple in the photo. They didn't notice us, but kind of epitomised all the meetings and partings as I travel through life.

I had a lovely afternoon and evening with Helen and her family and another school friend called in to see me.

Then I travelled across London by Underground to another schoolfriend's home where I'll spend the next few days.

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