En route again!

It's dark and cold out there right now, and a bit wet, too, but I've finally finished packing my suitcase (which I should perhaps learn to start packing much earlier that I've normally used to...) and will leave to school in several hours, at 2:50AM strictly - quite a lovely time to go there, isn't it? There I'll be waiting for a minicoach with the other students on our German class and our teacher, and be hoping that the coach will arrive at the right time at 3:30AM.

Then we'll drive to Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport, where our Air Berlin flight to Berlin will depart at 6:45AM. The flight will take a bit over two hours, I think. So exciting, because I haven't been to Berlin before! The Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag, Potsdamer Platz, Ku'damm, the remains of the Berlin Wall... and all! I just love the rich history of that city - just can't wait to see it, yay!

I'll be back on October 10th. Until that... Auf Wiedersehen!

Ps. This song has been playing in my head all day long. Nicey nice!

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