
By Stargirl1


today was a big day for my little Nephew, with his football team he was playing at half time on our local football teams pitch, the one, the only, Accrington Stanley! (who are they!?, exactly!!) so, off we all popped to give him some support and witness what maybe the start of a successful football career! (well, ya never know! he's only 6 he's got plenty of time!) It was a gloriously sunny day, we sat in the stands and cheered on the local team and then laughed at the little ones run round like ducks chasing a ball at half time (I know, us big people are cruel ha) - was a lovely day and I almost forgot about my hangover! (see previous blip!) I did used to attend the odd football game when was young, got dragged along with my Mum, yes! my Mum who loves football, so anyway, it was a nice change. My Nephew of course, loved it, so smiles all round. oh, the blip, sorry... yes, its a rubbish blip ha, the team and little ones coming out onto the pitch.. but at the time was avoiding getting people in too clearly... of that, I think I succeeded ha.. altho, not bad composition and the lovely blue sky and green pitch make for nice colour ;)

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