Phew, made it to Friday! Felt like the week was never going to end...!

A friend has planned a costume party for the end of October, theme of villains. The thing is, I can't decide what I should go as - I've had tons of ideas but none have hit me in the 'that's it!' way yet. I've been going through lists of books, TV shows, films and even real life people but nothing has stuck out for me. Some of them have been dismissed as 'too easy' admittedly - so I'm still searching for my perfect villain. It's to be held in a pub, so I'm not going to make the mistake of the empire state building and construct a costume that A, I cant sit down in, B I can't drink in without removing half of it. Guess I know what I'm looking up on the net tonight.

Random youtube video from a conversation last night: Where are they taking those hobbits?

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