With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

She's breaking up cap'n!

A storm some time ago did this damage, but I love the way it looks like it's happening now, a man still on the bridge, valiently fishing, as Little Agu escapes.

It was a day for it. I had a very rough night, eased by a a lovely chat with AKHF on the phone. This morning I really needed a rest. I decided to watch a movie first thing. Mistake. A streetcar named Desire. Feeling a bit blanched, I headed for a coffee wearing jeans. Getting more dressed up seemed wrong somehow, and there's a slight chill in the mornings now.

Inbetween cleaning and clearing, I had a good thrash at the piano, in preparation for this evening's lesson. The first for over twenty years. I thought I'd got a few pieces going well enough.

Ben was a little fractious after school, so I thought we'd blow away a few cobwebs at the beach. They were finishing off tearing down the chiringito. So sad. Stupid laws. Even the little beach huts that Scobes blipped on his visit here have gone!

Big Agu came round to help do some cleaning, as there are some viewers coming tomorrow morning when we're at an all important Derby (both home teams). I took Agu to his music theory lesson, choir being delayed for him until next week. Then he read in the library, his latest favourite place, while I had my lesson. Needless to say a different piano and nerves took their toll. But I'm really pleased. I've got something really positive to work on, new pieces, a lovely teacher and the prospect of trying some duets with her.

The roast chicken was demolished pretty quickly. A fantastic bird from the butchers with at least two more meals in it. There'll be more fun in breaking up the carcass than my head, which is feeling a little restored.

Have a good weekend everyone. Keep it all together.

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