michigan man

By outdoorguy

Assisted Living

Instead of Fridays with Merrick (my grandson)...it was Fridays with Pankaj ( the doctor I've been driving around.) My wife took the day off...freeing me up to drive.

His Friday schedule included stops at his leg therapy clinic, and stops at 4 different nursing homes. After sitting in his van and reading my book...I stuck my nose into the therapy place. The rock music was so loud that I had trouble concentrating on my Large-print Readers Digest. Why do businesses do that? I like music...I would say I love music...but I don't think the patients can hear their therapists talk. I'm waiting for someone to buy me that t-shirt that says..."If the musics too loud...You're too old. I would wear it with pride.

This old house is one of our cities nursing homes. It used to be on my mail route. The doctor had to see a few patients inside. I locked up the van, and took a walk downtown...snapping a few geese. I came back, and stuck my nose into the home. The one wing is standard nursing home, but the old house is a thing of beauty. The doors and the woodwork inside are take-your-breath-away pretty. I ventured past the foyer. My sore ankle and slight limp must have given me away. A young male aide approached me..."Sir...can I help you back to your room?" The young whipper-snapper never saw the back-hand coming. He fell to the beautiful hard-wood floor...not wanting any more of this "old man." I smiled down at him...flashing my dentures.

That last part did not happen, and I still have my own teeth. I picked up the doc...drove home...took my wife out to the state park...then treated her to a chicken dinner at Dairy Queen...followed by a mini- blizzard. Sometimes I am such a romantic I surprise even myself.

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