Anything Worth Having.... worth waiting for.

Someone told me this years ago, and it has held true all my life. I find this to be true, not only for the "things" we want in life, but for the character we are hoping to see built within ourselves. We really do believe it's hopeless sometimes, don't we? Like we think that 'nobody's perfect' actually means 'I will never be anything like who I want to be'.

It has been so encouraging to hear such encouraging authoris as Patsy Clairmont and Andy Andrews talking about things that have been brewing in my heart for awhile. It has been a great, "I'm on the right track" kind of feeling so far, as I listen to these people who have been through much more difficult things than I have even imagined, and discovered that their lives still have tremendous potential and value and that they have voices that are worth hearing.

Some of the most powerful things I've heard today were:

Patsy: "God has given us a will that is stronger than our emotions". That rocks me!!

"Sarcasm is anger that has gone underground and comes up in a clown suit" I'm hearing' ya', Patsy

Andy: "Fear is a misuse of the creative imagination God has placed in you"

"we can not be the people we want to be as long as we hold a grudge against ourselves."

These folks are so real and I'm so grateful to be in a place of rest for a couple days. A big hug to my family and my Sheepish Contraptioneer who is holding down the fort and so supportive. I trust you will get some wonderful R & R as the Lord allows and you will be refreshed and strengthened for the next right thing to do. This is what the Rose Garden looks like with the speaker's platform and many TV screens making the tiny people big enough to relate to thousands of women at one time. It is a major production and incredibly, efficiently run.
So much so that 10,000 women can pick up box lunches and eat them in less than an hour and get back to their seats before the next session starts. Amazing! I should also mention the music...fantastic, that's all I can say, they do a fantastic job and I'm looking forward to hearing Selah and Mandisa tonight and tomorrow!

I'm not sure who I'm going to be when I grow up, but I'm pretty sure that it will be impacted by the wonderful wisdom I am feeding on this weekend!

Good evening from Portland, OR!!

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