Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all Mexico.

I saw this today at the Saturday car boot sale. I picked up a couple of other objets, with which I am well pleased. No Ming dynasty vases, but I live in hope.
When I was a younger man, I had a rather cherubic appearance. I know, given my current phizog, it's hard to believe. My mates, bastards, used to say that I looked like a parish priest. I also became a union rep, and in an attempt to achieve a little more gravitas, grew a moustache. Said 'tache has stayed with me mostly throughout the years. Regretably, it is in the zapata style. I must confess, it is a little greyer now, but I still need it. I look even more like the proverbial parish priest now, assisted by the natural tonsure I now posess. When I worked at B.T. one of my former colleagues, RDW Forshaw, bastard, used to shout out loud whenever he saw me, Andile! Andile! Arriba" Arriba" When you have heard this a few thousand times, it begins to grate. I did consider offering to hurt Forshaw, but as he was considerably bigger, and uglier, and a former guardsman, I suffered in silence. I did inflict a little retribution, when I had to brew up. Revenge is sweet, urine is not.
When I saw this today, it reminded me. Believe it or not, Speedy actually pre-dates me(Heinz). He first appeared in 1953. He was meaner than the subsequent 1955 version, and posessed a giant sized gold tooth. Regretably, Speedy fell foul of the P.C. brigade, who argued that the image presented by him and the cartoons, portrayed the mice as lazy womanizing hard drinking ne'r do wells. Speedy sported a large sombrero, and sometimes played in a Mariarachi band. These were seen as dehumanizing stereotypes, and Speedy fell from favour. His fans, and the League of United Latin American Citizens, argued, that Speedy's cleverness and personality presented a positive image of Mexicans, and in 2002, Speedy was ressurected, and once again became, "The fastest mouse in all Mexico." And may it always continue. For those of us reared on Spam, and cartoons from Uncle Sam, Amen to that.

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