Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Remote Controls

So, we have everything sorted after the digital switchover, and this is the result - these are the remote controls that now inhabit our house to operate all the various machines associated with watching the television. It was so much simpler when there were just buttons on the front of the telly - twiddle them to tune them into the programmes and push them to select which channel to watch!

Actually, this is an apt blip for my state of mind today. Too much stuff, too much information, and a need for simplicity. In the end I've HAD to take the day off - I have just been too tired to work and so it's been a day resting and just doing a bit of very very gentle sorting and tidying. It's no good working like crazy on college assignments, lesson planning and revision if the result is that I end up too ill to go to college, teach lessons or sit my exam. There are times when it's a better idea to stop pushing and ease off the throttle so as not to break the engine - that's something I've learnt by driving a venerable old car!!!

I've also decided that once things calm down a bit I'll make my next appointment with my GP earlier than I would have done in order to see what can be done about this blood pressure business. A little research indicates that some of my antidepressant medication might well be contributing both to the blood pressure thing and the difficulty losing weight - maybe time to review things and see if there is anything that can be done that I'm not already doing - this is, of course, one of the reasons why people with mental health problems have shorter life expectancy - the drugs we take to keep our minds well then cause problems for our bodies! All a bit Catch-22! Hmmm!

Anyway, I've calmed down a bit since writing up yesterday's blip this morning and we're planning a gentle evening (Strictly Come Dancing and then the second half of Terminator 2, which we were watching this afternoon) before an early night in clean bed sheets. I've sorted the debris from the week today, so, with any luck, I'll be able to get on with work tomorrow and do everything I need to do well ENOUGH, even if not perfectly.

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