Blip a day


Firstly, please have a look at yesterdays blip, very proud of it :)

Went out after work last night with David and the girls, great laugh was had by - Bumped into some old friends while out, saw a cracking band (Rock Gods @ Finnegans Wake)

Night was going great until I realised my chain/St. Christopher pendant was gone. The chain must have snapped while larking around in the pub/between pubs, gutted as it was a 21st birthday present from my grandad. (However, as I am well aware, worse can happen). Called pubs involved and fingers crossed it turns up someplace.

At Lesley's house this evening with her and Nicky - Night of TV/Giggles/Movies/Beer/Giggles (Possibly not in that order) is just what I need.

Anyways, off for now. See you tomorrow blippers

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