In Between Days

By jase

DIY is back

DIY came back to haunt me today. I've done my fair share in the past but have had a good run of DIY free weekends lately. I'm not a big fan of DIY. Its nice to do things yourself and I can be proud of what I do but I don't enjoy it. Things always take far far longer than expected and never go as smoothly as I would like. Today's DIY task was all about the top of the cellar under the stairs. Set by L, I was was to completely box in all the pipe work, put up several shelves, lay a new floor/paint the current and plaster and paint all the walls. She probably expected this done by mid afternoon. I have so far managed to box in the pipework. The weather doesn't help - drizzly rain and trips to B&Q for DIY supplies. More tomorrow!

Louis' tooth is still in and he keeps wanting to play Ben 10 with me. I need to make more time to play Ben 10.

Alana has some rather tricky maths homework which she will hopefully tackle tomorrow. She may need a little help.

Read something on Steve Jobs today. A friend of his said "I once asked him if he was glad that he had kids, and he said, 'It's 10,000 times better than anything I've ever done.'".

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