Sea front puddles

Another busy day. Didn't sleep well last night so still pretty tired when I woke up. Spent the morning writing an article about octopush for the newly re-enstated student newspaper, reading journals and making notes.

Then to octopush at 1:45pm for another session. Bad start when one of the guys sliced his hand open on the metal goal... lots of blood :s but he'll be okay.

After that little hiccup the session seemed to go really well with everyone thanking me at the ended and smiling - always a good sign!

Got back, sorted wet kit out again and chatted to flat mates for a bit. Did a bit more reading and eventually persuaded my reluctant printer to print out one of the journals. Somehow the day seemed to wiz by and then it was time to go out for a meal with James and his friends for his birthday celebrations. Had a lovely meal in 'The Olive Branch'. Great service and food with loads of veggie options :)

Also randomly met an orienteer (from a German university) who'd emailed me at the start of the summer saying she was interested in going orienteering together some time - she was waitressing in the restaurant and immediately recognised my hair from pictures on Facebook!

Said goodbye to James and walked home with a minor detour to the seafront to get this shot.

Just finished watching Final Destination 4 with housemates and now it's definitely time for bed!

Also check out this cheeky backblip I forgot to post!

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