Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Strawberry Cake

After a good few months of sleeping in her own bed, Orla went back to getting up every night and coming into our bed, or one of us ending up in with her. But this week, through a combination of using stars and promising a reward of her choice, we've managed a full week of her going to bed with (minimal) fuss and staying in her own bed all night long. Her choice of reward was strawberry cake (Mummy Pig makes strawberry cake on Peppa), so we made it together this afternoon (Here's a video). Orla cracked an egg and whisked the cream for me! She was really pleased with her cake, but then didn't really eat any, announcing that she doesn't like cream (just like her Mum - which is ironic because I made a cream cake on the basis that everyone else likes them!). She had fun with the baking though. Here's a video of the prize-giving.

After lunch and cake we went to see the Lion King at the cinema in Falkirk. She didn't seem particularly interested during the film, asking to watch something on daddy's phone and standing in front of us shaking her head, saying "you not watching this film". At one point she said to me, "that's not the lion king, they not lions, they hippopotamuses." But then in the car on the way home, she started laughing apropros of nothing and said, "I like the lion show."

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