My Journey2


Two Become 1

This is my journey through my eyes, its been a journey filled with emotions, but no regrets, just lessons learned along the way..

This is my first blip ofSpeckled sunshine moments and I. I felt it was the right time, as she has supported me in everything I have done, and on this new journey. This blip is dedicated to her strong, ambitious, intelligent, and most of all someone who will put your needs first (selfish act of love). Its great to know we can be like NEO (The One) and also co exist with each other.

As I always say to her I am the Head but your my Shoulders you always carry me :)..

Peace Blip World, there is love in this Matrix we are living in. Don't go looking for love, love will find you: its like Karma and the energy that we put out. What you give you will always get..


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