A few of my favourite things

A cheerier blip from me today, & thanks to everyone that left kind comments :) Please keep having those those kind thoughts for Stella's operation on Tuesday, she's in the best hands but every little helps! :)

It's finally getting easier to find sweet treats to suit my dairy-free, wheat avoiding diet, so here's a tribute to these providers of my favourites :)

There are a few brands of mince pies now but these are the best I've found so far, God bless anyone that makes a Jaffa Cake replacement, and given that most "special" chocolates are gross, these, though expensive, are fantastic.

& last but by no means least my friend at the Glu-10-3 cake company had some tasty treats for me yesterday at the Farmers Market (including a much needed hug!). My always favourite lemon meringue muffin, a coffee cake and a chocolate cake made using coco-cola, my goodness that was amazing, definitely going back for more! :)

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