My happy medlar tree

After setting off to Dorset on Friday afternoon I had an easy journey and arrived at Patrick's thatched cottage as the sun was setting. He welcomed me with a glass of wine before lighting an open log fire.

Unfortunately in my rush to get away, I left my camera behind, despite having re-charged all its batteries. So no blips from Dorset. But I had a good time although it was rather exhausting getting up so early to watch the rugby.

Now I am home and as the sun was setting I managed to nip out to our garden this evening, accompanied by Bomble. I felt rather uninspired creatively, but did try a few new techniques, none of which 'worked'.

I planted this medlar tree two years ago and always enjoy looking at its strange fruits. I think there are enough this autumn to have a go at making some medlar jelly, but I have to wait for the first frosts to help the bletting process. Then they will be softer and the flesh will become soft and more easily prepared.

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