Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Electronic brain

I rewarded myself for getting my project handed in by going out for drinks at a friend's. Was lovely to see that crowd as we don't see each other as much now we're all old and sensible and don't go out drinking and dancing. Couldn't stay out late though as I had to be up early this morning to head across town for another job class.

This week's class was based on how to succeed at interview. It was really helpful, got an idea of the types of question that they might ask and ways to repsond to them. Did a bit of role play too.

Headed out after for a couple of drinks for A's birthday but was so tired from lack of sleep and being so busy the last couple of weeks that by the time I was sat in the comfy seats at the Regent, I was close to falling asleep.

The Boy is replacing my good old computer as his new graphics card wouldn't fit in the case. It glows inside his electronic brain.

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