Colin McLean

By ColinMcLean


With no one else around today, I had planned to go walking, but like last weekend the rain was insistent, till mid-afternoon. I left the car at Traquair and set off on the route of the Southern Upland Way to Minch Moor. Carrying camera and tripod, I was my usual optimistic self about the landscape wonders that would reveal themselves to me.

This is looking west up the Tweed valley, with the river meandering in the middle distance. Peebles is just out of view, hidden by Cardona Hill on the left. Views like this remind me how fortunate I am to live in this part of the Borders.

I walked up to the OS cairn on the summit of Minch Moor itself, where the thick grey cloud was coming and going, hiding and revealing the hills and the view. I had glimpses of the Eildons near Melrose and the TV mast by Selkirk. Eventually, the clouds settled down, telling me it was time to head back to Traquair.

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