Blocking the Bridge

Around 3,000 activists - including health workers, pensioners, disability activists and trade unionists - occupied Westminster Bridge for four hours this afternoon

The aim of this mass act of civil disobedience was to show the strength of opposition to the Health and Social Care Bill and persuade the House of Lords to reject it when it comes to them for debate on Tuesday.

The bridge had a carnival atmosphere with a mix of old-fashioned banner-waving protests, street theatre, discussion groups and meetings, and a cycle-powered comedy gig.

Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services union, said he hoped the protest would "send an important message of support to the brilliant doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers who work day in, day out to make our health service the envy of the world, and an equally important message of opposition to a Tory-led Government trying to unpick all of this".

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