Hunting Unicorns

By huntingunicorns

365 Grateful Project_Day 60

My mom has always been so persistent in reminding us to pray and to just let God do the rest and put our entire trust on Him. The rebel in me took it the other way. I initially thought that it is actually Mama's projection on us of her coping mechanism especially now that all of us are away from home and are working on our respective lives. But looking back particularly in the recent past my mother's constant reminder had proven to be so handy. Each time I feel so helpless I got reminded to pray and beg for enlightenment.

This is a Mama Mary medal given in the school in connection with the celebration of the Rosary month. I pinned this medal in my camera bag which had been my all time companion - a reminder that the Mediatrix will help me lobby to Jesus my prayers.

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