m o s s t r o o p e r

By mosstrooper

Simplicity #2

I was a naught boy yesterday; it would appear that I broke the rules of blipfoto so they suspended my entry. I couldn't see what the problem was myself; I only took a screen shot like many other members did and then they wouldn't allow me to publish another one!

Some other fellow blippers (who I shall not name) didn't see it as irreverent either. One member heard Mr Jobs linked with Jesus in context with what he did for technology. Somebody said there have been 3 apples which changed the world.
1. Which Eve gave Adam.
2. Which fell on Newton's head.
3. Which Steve Jobs invented.

It was on Radio 2 yesterday morning.

My insert would have read -
Thank you Steve Jobs for widening our creative horizons. May you R.I.P.

Simplicity #1

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