
By cowgirl

What is it?

Over the weekend a red swelling has come up on my forehead. I managed to get an appointment at the doctors, but with the duty nurse. She stared at it for ages and from all angles and still couldn't say for sure what it is, so I've got a course of antibiotics to take, as she was worried about it being close to my eyes.

Tomorrow it's the turn of the dentist - another tooth extraction. I'm hoping that the paiful lump a little infront of my ear on the same side as the offending tooth, is connected to it and will therefore be gone in a few days ... otherwise, it'll be back to the docs I suppose!

A few days ago I thought I was fit as a flea but the truth is I'm falling apart at the seams!!

( I've also back blipped for the weekend if you'd like a wee peek ).

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