A Year In The Life Of ...

By Gruffalo

Fight the Flab

My pep talk to myself on Friday must be working, Fat Club says I have lost 1lb so over 3 days I`m happy with that.

I have now back blipped the last month, due to our Safari Holiday, and my Broadband being down, I havent been able to do it on a daily basis, but that ends here.

9th Sept We`re all going on a
10th Sept Outspan Hotel Aberdares
11th Sept Ashnil Samburu
12th Sept Anniversary Meal
13th Sept Mountain Lodge Aberdares
14th Sept Serena Lodge
15th Sept Ashnil Camp Masai Mara
16th Sept Day 2 in Mara
17th Sept Last Day

Once I have posted all the photos to flikr or webshots, I promise to post the link, for those of you who want to see all of them.

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