Hopetoun and yellow
Well I've been a bit rubbish lately at getting photos on. Monday this week has been totally missed, even though I had a great shot all lined up of Edinburgh Castle from a (believe it or not) unusual angle. But my battery ran out so instead of being here on blip on Monday night, I was buying a spare battery. No idea why I thought someone as disorganised as me could survive with just the one.
So, all fired up with double battery power for the rest of the week... I was then thwarted by Mr MT taking my computer to work on Tuesday and coming home without the power cable. So no computer until Friday. No excuse since then though.
Anyway, another gorgeous but chilly day here so we had a nice walk along an old railway line and took another picture of the Hopetoun Monument from a different angle, but still with that vile yellow stuff. Is it just my contact lenses or is it more yellow this year?
Backblipping some....
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