Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

In 1505, the Barber Surgeons of Edinburgh were formally incorporated as a Craft Guild of the city and this recognition is embodied in the Seal of Cause (or Charter of Privileges) which was granted to the Barber Surgeons by the Town Council of Edinburgh on 1st July 1505.

This building dates to the beginning of the 19th Century and was designed by William Henry Playfair, 1790-1857, the foremost Scottish architect of that era.

More history here.

I was back at work after my week off and so washed out from trying to deal with all the email that I didn't get a chance to blip until I was on the way home. This building looks fantastic all lit up though.

And the museum is worth a look if you ever get the chance. Things in jars!

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