Hill of Giants

A lovely pre sunrise this morning but resisted a blip, Juno and i had company as we strolled around in the growing light.

Eco daughter plucked my eyebrows this morning, she was concerned abhout the mono brow.

Work was victory against the tide of apathy.

I was in for half day as eco daughter had a hospital appointment and a ortho dentist appointment.

First to the hospital and an excellent chat with the consultant about her bone spur just above her knee. Basically better to leave until she finishes growing but if it flares up again we have his number and it will be taken out.

Then over to the orthodentist via the TTT, it was interesting waiting, lots of phone calls,' You missed an appointment that is £10 fee'. Was tempted as we went for our appointment 20 minutes late to say 'You have kept me 20 minutes that will be £5.'

Back home and a wee trip up Blackford hill with Just Sitting to take a crank shot. We met a man on top with a lovely Giant MTB, lycra suited him.

Thanks JS for the wee cycle and chat.

As I write this eco mum is squeezing blackheads and plooks on my back, it is sore and difficuklt to type. I suppose that is love.

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