Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Playing with my camera on the 'P' setting, not necessarily with the best results, but this is about recording a milestone.

The potty has been 'out' for a while for the Boy to play with before bathtime. Nothing has happened, other than the usual potty on head, stand in potty and other potty related poses. Until that is Saturday evening, when William sat on it and stood up and pointed at a wee. Copious praise later he very grudgingly allowed me to put a nappy back on him. The same result has occurred on Sunday evening and tonight. I'm not counting my chickens, I dont think he is anywhere near ready to leave his nappies behind, but it is a beginning.

The bigger issue is his reluctance to get off the potty, put a nappy on, and go to bed. Meltdown has ensued the last two evenings.

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