Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

The Big Green Triple Drip Blip

I'm not sure what this is, but it lives in our garden on the rockery and caught my attention while I was snooping around the garden with a headtorch trying to catch a blip.

I've done quite a few night time garden blips before and they're quite unsatisfying as the flash washes everything out. I've tried diffusing the light but it's a compact with a built in flash so it's been largely unsuccessful.

I think I need to take a leaf out of the book of Snapshot Sam who blipped this excellent blip, who in turn followed the advice of Pop, who advised to look round the house when uninspired.

As I commented on Sam's journal, I find it so hard to find anything to photograph round the house and make it look special. I reckon that's where real skill comes in. Maybe not just in the actual photo but in seeing the potential photo and creating it. That's what I can't do yet but with Winter drawing in I'll probably have no choice!

Anyway back to The Big Green Triple Drip Blip, I didn't use a flash, I used the headtorch and while it's still not great - I think maybe it's better. Ish.

I though it was quite cute; I guess the bud splits into 4 leaves to reveal another bud, and so on.

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