
By Appreciation


Week six/seven? I've lost count. A week to shoot - the studios were quickly set up and we were given the brief of a head/torso and full length shot. As ever it isn't as easy at it may appear and for the first time we were all coming together and helping each other sort out what we thought was wrong with the shot. I was last to shoot and the time was up!!!!!! I suggested I wouldn't be joining them as they uploaded images and did a bit of touch up work on a few. With my willing model's permission we stayed and did my shoot.

Slightly frustrated by our lack of glamorous assistants. No-one but Brett to hold the reflectors and me to fiddle with the lights and sort out my model and myself. Still it was enjoyable. One girl, who I did feel sorry for, she is there to chat and never concentrates, dropped her camera! Zoot Alors, she has gone home with a rattle and a very strange view - me thinks it may be ......... (fill in the blank!)

Spent the day in a frenzie of activity - keeping myself busy.

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