Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Rain - Day 43

A local farmer friend was telling Eleanor on Sunday that it had rained at some time on each of the past 40 days, which means this is day 43 of rain in these parts. Unbelievable but true!

Searching for a good blip in the rain is not easy, particularly when its as grey as it has been. However, I spotted a spider's web on the garden gate covered in raindrops and decided it might make a good subject. Unfortunately, the background was too grey to make it stand out. Undaunted, I went in search of a suitable web and found this one down at the harbour car park, which had a brightly coloured fisherman's shed for a background. I was attracted to this web as the large raindrops had stretched strands of it so it looked like strings of pearls.

While blipping two locals stopped and asked what I was doing. Their curiosity had been aroused as the web was attached to a signpost behind which were the public toilets. A strange place indeed to take pictures! Despite explaining what I was blipping, I am sure news of my suspicious behaviour will be all round the village soon! Ah well, such is the price we blippers have to pay!

Forecast for tomorrow is better. Who knows it may even be dry!

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