Madame Ya-aawn-A-Lot

The Yawn

Paul Blackburn

The black-haired girl
with the big
on the Queens train coming
in to work, so
opens her mouth so beautifully
in a ya-aawn, that
two stops after she has left the train
I have only to think of her and I
wow !

from The Cities (Collected Poems), 1985
Persea Books, New York, NY

This cat yawns more than any animal I've ever known, and with dramatic flair, celebrating each and every one.

I'm off to a blipmeet soon for coffee with ~SeaGypsy.

Here's the photo link update, a quick iPhone snap. We had a great time with SO much in common. I know we will get together again and do some photographing and lots more chatting.

Here are some uninvited garden guests today so far...

For the Record,
This day came in cool and bright but with increasing clouds, rain's coming.

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