horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Just how...

? do you boycott a religion? I can just imagine a BNP member declaring that from henceforth he wasn't going to go to the mosque.

"Boycott Islam!"
"Well it's a religion based on hatred innit."
"Is it? Which bits of the Qu'ran specifically?"
"It doesn't need to be written down mate, everyone knows it's true."
"Well, just a technicality, I don't, so it's not 'everyone' is it? And I'm pretty certain people other than Muslims are capable of hatred? You, for example, hating something because you think it's based on hatred. You don't see the irony in that?"
"You'll feel the irony of my fist soon pal."
"And there's the violence. So we have violence and hatred from you there. So are you a muslim?"
"Of course not, p*ss off!"
"Okay, okay. How do I boycott Islam then? What do you want me to do?"
"Well don't do stuff that's Islamic, duh!"
"Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to join my own movement."
"What's that then?"
"Boycott Stupidity?"

I guess you could refuse to buy halal meat, which wouldn't be too onerous a task; or maybe the local cornershop, but only if you check that they are muslim first. Beyond that I'm at a bit of a loss. Don't fast at Ramadan? I don't think they've really thought this campaign through before going to the hassle and expense of printing up stickers?

In a similar vein (being a statement based on religion that immediately contorts the face into an eh shape of query), I'm not entirely clear how gay marriage can be a 'danger' to Scotland. Perhaps god will let the entire country slip into the North Sea. What I can never really get about these lines of hatred masquerading as intolerance based on a fictional account of multi-interpreted happenings from a few thousand years ago, is just how it all impacts so seriously on the lives of those who hate it. Just why is it so important to them? It doesn't impact on them getting to heaven. I just wish 'love thy neighbour' had more force than 'smite folk ye dinnae like'. And again it makes me question whether these people, who cite the bible as god's word on the matter, interpret the rest so strictly and would happily stone a woman (and note, only a woman) for having an affair, or offer up their daughters to marauding mobs for the purposes of violent gratification rather than have them indulge in sodomitely activity (because according to the bible that's what the chap did, so scared was he of his son being involved with a mob of gays that he offered up both his wife and daughter for them to rape instead. Nice guy.

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