Now I know why the tramworks have had such big problems - unexpected tree error!

You know when the holiday is but a memory when you go round town trying to find somewhere that will buy back your holiday money. American Express was happy to oblige, so the last of my dirhams have gone. I think I may have a half dirham coin somewhere, but that's it :/

It cheered me thinking of the fancy dress costume I was planning - I was in the rather unique position of standing in Jenners toy department trying to surrepticiously measure up a plastic ball against my head - why on earth don't they have mirrors in there?! I ended up figuring that they were too small for my head (there's a joke in there somewhere) and having no luck elsewhere decided I needed to be a little more creative. I found two large mixing bowls that should work - now all I need to do is hack them to pieces and paint them. I'll leave that to the weekend.

For some reason I'd given myself a mental note to post an Edinburgh joke that I know - I'm sure there was a reason, but a bad joke is an end in itself so here it is:

Q: What is a creche?
A: (Said in a posh voice) It's when two cars collide in Morningside.

I'll get me coat.

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