W8man on the Web

By w8man

Operation Granny Visit

Today Leo had a visit from not one, but two grannies.... on the same day!


Can you imagine? He was passed from one to the other as they both had a 'Shotty' showing him the love. An Aunty, Uncle and two cousins also paid us a visit along with his Sister.

There is a lot of sitting around going on at the moment as Leo needs his medicine administered twice each day. Once in the afternoon and again in the middle of the night. Between those times, we chat, watch daytime TV, worry, laugh, cry, get bored, drink coffee, gossip about other babies visitors, read papers and fiddle with phones. Oh and eat terrible sandwiches.

Remarkably, it's all very exhausting.

Here is a picture of Leo and I. I kicked Mum off the bed for 20 minutes and grabbed a little shut eye. lol

The most important thing is our wee boy is getting better. We'll be out soon, I'm sure of it!

Today's father and Son chat was about music. He doesn't like X-Factor any more.

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