
By airaMBick


This morning was an ugly morning it was rainy, windy and it was also one of the most embarrassed mornings of this week! I decided to wear a pretty lightweight colorful skirt to cheer myself up. I love the colors of this skirt, so I wear it!
In the morning I went to the bank to make some deposits. The bank has like 6 steps before you go inside, as soon as I put my little foot on the first step, the wind went under my skirt and the last think I know, my skirt was all the way up in the air! OMG!!! I quickly pulled my skirt down, and I did the normal thing, look around to see if someone saw "MPP". There were some workers working on the garden, they were so kind and pretended they didn't see me. I went inside the bank and left trough the other door, I was so embarrassed al day!!!. Tomorrow before I go to work I am going to check the weather, like I used to do it, before I got addicted to this machine!

This is the today's song that is stuck to my brain: kiss on my list

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