Free as a bird

By freebird

Hanging on in there...

Fuchsias are amazing plants. I thought I had lost this one because halfway through the summer it was still only an upright 'twig' with a couple of little twigs coming out of the top.

Then, one day a couple of minute pieces of green appeared on the top and very, very gradually they made shoots which, not until the beginning of September, produced a few buds. I'm so glad I didn't lose it because, as you can see, the flowers are beautiful. I'm going to try to grow it as a small standard plant as it is already on that twiggy stem. Sadly, I have forgotten its name which is annoying because I like to know the names of all of my fuchsias!

Spent the morning in Stamford getting my hair cut and shopping.

For the record: 19C with sunny spells and very pleasant for the time of year.

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