hello again

By admirer


for such a wonderful sunny day? And got it too? We did and had fun at the beach in the afternoon .Piet Hein, Mischa and I. Many people had, they all came back suddenly, the dogs too.
But in the morning I had errands to do and found the Nile geese enjoying the sunshine and washing up their feathers, a lot.

My haiku:

Prepare I asked why
Is not the moment all and
Where do we want to go?

And the proverb:

Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.

I suppose this is old english this "thy" and surely making cloaks is not for everyone a possibility any longer. For instance my sewing machine happens to be in Karlshafen and the rain has gone too. They tell us perhaps for 3 days, I do hope for longer.

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