Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Over Capacity

Not been the busiest of days, but I did a check through of all the things I need to do for never ends. A staring-into-the-abyss kind of experience...

It is a dream that one day, a government will realise that to educate, inspire and care for the children of this country they need to invest heavily in people - people to allow schools to reach their potential. They are currently filled with the most amazing people who are doing their best with what they are given. However, they are incredibly stretched in all directions, spinning so many plates that it is impossible to achieve everything that is needed. That results in a cost, and I don't mean a financial one.

Education should have tons and tons of money pumped into it. It is not a financial loss - it's a fabulous investment for the future of individuals and society.

It's always going to be a dream though. Greed and profit make decisions, not common sense.

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