Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Sing a song

Elizabeth woke up singing "Frere Jacques" this morning.

So some songs today:

Happy Birthday
Happy daddy birthday
Happy daddy birthday

Twinkle Twinkle
Twinkle leetle star
How I wander
Twinkle leetle star
How I wander

Frere Jacques
Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques
Dormez Vous, Dormez Vous
Ding, ding, dong, ding, ding, dong

Horsey Horsey
Horsey, horsey don't you POP!
Horsey, horsey don't you POP!

Her own song
Baby, baby,
go to sleep, go to sleep
lolbye (lullaby), lolbye

Also "Row, row, row (your boat)", "See saw, marger-eet"

Can't think of any others right now.

On the talking front, tonight she was saying "I am B-Bith" and "I am me". And when daddy was pointing at himself saying "I am", she finished it with "daddy".

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