My School

Now. I could wax lyrical and get all nostalgic and bore you with stories of my youth of many many years ago - but I won't.

Suffice it to say that I am in Aberdeen overnight and have had a wonderful couple of hours wandering round old haunts and seeing what has changed and getting lost and sadly seeing old places which either no longer exist or are boarded up and neglected.

Had to go and visit my old school, which, as you can see is still very much there. Got lost on my way into the city and ended up by my brother's old school as well.

Bonus. Collected three more Geocaches on my way round.

Work in the morning then the long journey home tomorrow afternoon/evening.

Soon be Saturday and a lie-in.

Fen permitting!

PS. The clock kept the right time in the old days. This was taken at about 5.30 in the afternoon! Can't get the staff anymore.

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