Lily colour

It's a mad night of sorting out loads of stuff to take away for the week. I'm going to need a trailer as well as an estate car and a roof box

So a quick blip of some lily flowers and back to finding the walking boots, gloves, hats, walking sticks, camera kit, chargers, Cludo, Scrabble, iPod chargers, DVD's, CD's, waterproof jackets, waterproof jackets, headtorches, dog food, dog cage, leads, snacks, old towels, kitchen knife, a selection of spices, recipe for vietnamese hot & sour soup, treasure hunt kit, phone chargers, toolkit for bikes, pumps, spare tyres, cycle rack, 2 children, OS maps, eye shields and eye drops and tape (I need to wear these at night until next week), books, first aid kit, slippers, rucksacks, helmets, and so on and on and on

and we will forget something no doubt

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