
By emmagenevieve

Robin Hood - October Origins

Following the success of my other Oct Origins challenge posts, I thought I'd do another.

When I was growing up, my brother Tom and I were obsessed with the cartoon Disney version of Robin Hood - it's far and away the best Disney film. We had it on an old VHS (recorded from Channel 4, complete with ancient adverts) which was incredibly fuzzy as we'd watched and rewound it so many times.

One of the best things about the film was the soundtrack - we knew all the songs off by heart. When we got older and got the Internet we downloaded mp3s of the tracks. Then, one day my brother found this vinyl version of the soundtrack in a charity shop, complete with an illustrated story book in the sleeve. I was rather jealous so, last Christmas, he framed it and it now hangs on the wall of my lounge in Cardiff. Every time I look at it I am reminded of both Tom and the film and it cheers me up whenever I'm sad. I still love the film (I now have it on DVD) and always watch it when I'm ill.

Does anybody else have special films that remind them of when they were young?

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