Bee is for Borage

Best viewed Bee is for Borage large

This photo just shows you how hugely important it is to plant late nectar for bees - borage is a flower which will keep flowering - please consider planting it next time (it also works well in a Pimms & lemonade! ;)

Great excitement today!

My Dad is now writing a monthly column for our local newspaper - North Devon Journal & his first article was published today - including my photos! It's a collaboration between the two of us!

Here's the link:

Paradise is not lost on me

For once a nicer day, the wind had dropped, so the macro lens attached, but not before Lil' Larry got his beak in my shots:

Little Larry - it's not your turn today to be blipped!

Oh don't be angry Lil'Larry!

Aww I'll blip you again soon Lil' Larry - I promise!

That's better my red breasted friend - all will be well!

And anyway, he's famous again - on my Dad's article! :)

Charlie's blip - yes - the boy indeed!


Thank you for all the lovely comments on yesterday's Got my mind set on you
- I will stop saying sorry one day for blipping him so much... sorry... oops! ;-) xxx

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